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2nd Step: Keyword and Tag Triggers

Master the 2nd block of building Auto-Moderation rules: set up keyword and tag triggers to target your rules even more effectively

Napoleon The Cat avatar
Written by Napoleon The Cat
Updated over a week ago

Hey there, rule-makers! 🎨

You're about to uncover the second block of creating Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat: Keyword and Tag Triggers.

Triggers are the additional conditions that you can set to kickstart your rule, based on whether users use specific words or phrases in their messages, or if you've tagged them in a specific way before.

🧩 Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle. Each block plays a unique role. Together, they make Auto-moderation a powerful tool that makes auto-handling your social interactions a breeze!

πŸ”— Need the full story? Here's a complete guide on creating Auto-moderation rules.

🧱 In bite-sized articles like this one, we'll focus on each building block, making Auto-moderation super easy to understand.

With that in mind, let's jump right into triggers! πŸ‘‡

Second block: Triggers

Learn how to set up keyword and tag triggers to target your Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat even more effectively

After you've decided where (which social media platform and profiles) and when (what types of messages - message type and condition) to launch your Auto-moderation rule, you can further target it with triggers!

πŸŽ›οΈ Triggers are like the precision tuners of your rule.

They're optional, but when you use them, they add a layer of specificity based on certain words used by users (keyword triggers) or tags you've previously assigned to them (tag triggers).

And the best part? You can mix and match them in a single rule for a champion performance! πŸ’₯Let's have a closer look. πŸ‘‡

πŸ”  Keyword triggers

Keywords are like secret decoders. When users use these specific words or phrases in their messages or comments, your rule gets activated!

They're your secret weapon when you want to target your rules precisely and avoid "false positives" - those times when your rule gets activated when it's not supposed to.

πŸ’‘For example, if you want to swiftly respond to potential customers inquiring about your return policy, you could use keywords like "return", "refund", "exchange", "policy", and so on.

Learn how to set up keyword and tag triggers to target your Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat even more effectively

You've got two modes to choose from: simple mode and advanced mode. For most of you rule-makers out there, simple mode will do the trick.

But knowing how to format your keywords can be super handy! πŸ‘‡

Simple mode

Using an asterisk β€” * β€”before, after, or both before and after a word sequence makes your rule more flexible.

Let's say you're running a special promotion and want to engage with users who show interest. Here's how you could format your keywords:


*promo* triggers for any words containing "promo," like "promote", "promotional", or "autopromo"

discount* activates for words starting with "discount", such as "discounted", "discounting", or "discountable"

*deal will apply to words ending with "deal", such as "misdeal", "overdeal"

sale triggers for the standalone word "sale", and within a phrase like "The sale is amazing."

limited offer sets off the rule for this exact sequence of words in a sentence, like in "Is the limited offer still available?"

Advanced mode

If you're looking to fine-tune your triggers like a pro, the 'Advanced Mode' is your best friend. It's perfect for those complex use cases where you want to target your rules with surgical precision! πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ

Learn how to set up keyword and tag triggers to target your Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat even more effectively

Think of yourself as a master locksmith. Here's the key:

You create a search query using special operators. Make sure to put phrases in quotation marks, like β€œNext day delivery".

The | operator is your "OR"

The & operator is your "AND"

The - operator is your "NOT"

The &- operator is your "AND NOT"

Let's say you want to set up a rule for a post that contains the words "sale" or "discount" and "today" or "now", but doesn’t contain the words "tomorrow" or "later".

Here's what your code would look like: (sale|discount)&(today|now)&-(tomorrow|later).

AI-generated keywords

πŸ€– And if the thought of manually compiling keyword lists makes you groan, we've got your back. With ChatGPT, you can create keyword lists in a flash!

🏷️ User tag triggers

Tag triggers are your go-to tool when you've previously interacted with certain users in Social Inbox and tagged them, say, as a "VIP customer".

Your rule will then activate activate only for users you've previously tagged as such.

You can use one user tag as a trigger at a time.

Note: You need to have user tags set up beforehand. Here's how to set up and use tags in NapoleonCat.

Learn how to set up keyword and tag triggers to target your Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat even more effectively


✨ Imagine you have a customer, let's call her Sarah, who's a regular shopper and often comments on your posts or asks questions.

You could set up an Auto-moderation rule for users with a tag "VIP customer", and prioritize responses to them.

If Sarah asks a question, you send her a DM assuring her that you're on it, and assign it to your top-notch moderator!

It's a triple win - Sarah gets prompt service, your workflow is automated, and you're the champion of customer care! 🦸

πŸ’‘Here are some examples of tags and corresponding rules you might find useful:

  • Frequent Commenter: Prioritize responses to users who regularly engage with your posts

  • Potential Lead: Trigger a quick response rule to potential customers

  • Complaint: Automate responses to users who frequently have issues

  • Contest Participant: Prioritize responses to users who frequently participate in your contests

  • Troll: Automate blocking or deleting comments from users who frequently leave inappropriate comments

Multi-branch triggers

Ever dreamed of a magic wand that could handle different scenarios within a single Auto-moderation rule? πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Say no more!

With multi-branch rules, you can have up to 6 different triggers in one rule, each with its own unique actions!

πŸ’‘ Imagine you're selling shoes and bags.

You can set up a rule so when users mention "shoes" in a comment, it automatically responds with a link to your shoe collection.

But if bags are the talk of the comment, the rule cleverly responds with a link to your bag collection:

Learn how to set up keyword and tag triggers to target your Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat even more effectively

When you're building your Auto-moderation rule, you'll start with your first trigger and actions.

Then, just click the plus button next to the first trigger, and voila! You can add up to 5 more triggers and actions for them:

Learn how to set up keyword and tag triggers to target your Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat even more effectively

➑️ See more about multi-branch Auto-moderation rules here.

Other steps

Now that you've fine-tuned your triggers, it's time to decide what actions your Auto-moderation rule will take.

It's like being a director in your own social media movie.

🎬 Crypto spam? Cut! Block them, delete the comment, scene over! A heartwarming comment from a customer? Cue the spotlight! Ask them for a review, tag them as a "Brand Advocate", and take a bow!

See related articles:

  • NEXT BLOCK: πŸ€– Social Media and NapoleonCat Actions - What will you do with those interactions on the social media platform - reply, hide, or something else? Plus, get organized with actions like ticket archiving, and more.

  • NEXT BLOCK: ⌚ Notifications and Schedule - Enable notifications for when a rule gets triggered, or customize rules to work only on certain days and hours.

And... that's a wrap!

πŸ’¬ Need a little purr-suasion? Our Customer Success team is always here to help. Just click on chat in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

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