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πŸ†• Discover Rule Templates and 25 Useful Ideas for Rules
πŸ†• Discover Rule Templates and 25 Useful Ideas for Rules

Check out a comprehensive collection of ideas for Auto-moderation rules and get inspired on how to use them for your own social media pages!

Napoleon The Cat avatar
Written by Napoleon The Cat
Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘ Imagine owning an automated, well-oiled machine that:

a) shields your page from offensive content

b) prioritizes complaints that need immediate attention

c) and subtly promotes your best products in user discussions

Now, how many uses of Auto-moderation did we just mention? Just three. But you have hundreds more tricks up your sleeve!

Below, you'll find 25 unique scenarios showcasing how our valued customers use Auto-moderation to automate their social media customer interactions. You can do the same!

Dive in, get inspired, and set Auto-moderation to be your 24/7 teammate! 🦾

How to read this article

Below, you'll see how to tailor Auto-moderation rules to your specific needs – whether for customer support, sales, or marketing.

Along with each use case, you'll dive into the setup - picking the message type, deciding on conditions and triggers, defining actions, and more. βš™οΈ

You'll also find additional insights to set your creative gears in motion.

To set the stage, ask yourself these questions. πŸ‘‡

  • What do I need to automate? πŸ€–

    Are those "become_a_millionaire" links cluttering your page? Or is the competition using your space to badmouth you?

    Setting up deletion rules for these comments can be a relief!

    Are your fans waiting too long for a response on return policy? Setting up an auto-reply with instructions could be the perfect solution!

  • Which part of social media interactions do you need to automate? πŸ’­

    Are you looking at comments, direct messages, mentions, or something else? Or perhaps there are specific posts or campaigns that need more focus?

  • Should your rules work for specific keywords or for everything? πŸ”Ž

    Do you need to hide all comments on ads? You won't need keyword triggers then!

    Spotting difficulties in customers' purchasing journey? Adding keyword triggers like "checkout", "buy", or "cart" will help you identify these issues.

How to use rule ideas

  • The examples provided are a great starting point. Feel free to shuffle, customize, adapt, and change actions, conditions, keywords - you're the architect here. πŸ—οΈ

    Prefer to mark sentiment over tagging, or doing both? Absolutely, do it your way!

  • Don't forget: each rule deals with just one message type (whether it's specific post comments, organic comments, ad comments, DMs, etc.), but you can pair up certain social media actions. 🧩

  • Keyword triggers are vital players in customizing your Auto-moderation rules. For example, if "size issue", "doesn't fit", or "exchange" appear in comments or private messages, your rules for product queries spring into action! πŸŽ›οΈ

    ➑️ Learn more about keyword triggers here.

  • Need a hand with setting up a rule? We're on chat - find us in the bottom right corner. We'll guide you through the setup smoothly! πŸ‘‹

If it's all starting to make sense, hold tight and let's jump in.

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Supported-related rules

With support-oriented rules, you can keep your social media profiles tidy and free of indecent content, give your customer care team a well-deserved breather, and swiftly respond to customer queries about products and more!

Offensive content

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user leaves a comment on your post with offensive language

  • Platform: Facebook (includings ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Organic comments, Ad comments, comments for specific posts

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Keywords containing abusive words

  • Social Media Action: Delete the comment

  • NapoleonCat Action: Archive the comment, Tag as "Offensive

  • Set-up info: You can use a ready-to-use rule template.

    You can also use generative AI to come up with keywords (such as profanities).

Comments with links

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  • Use Case: A user leaves a spammy comment on one of your ads or posts

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, or Instagram ads

Competitor mention

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user mentions a competitor's name or product

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Comments for a specific post, Ad comments, or Organic comments

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords related to your competitors

  • Social Media Action: Hide (from the rest of users) + reply in a comment

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Competitor mention"

  • Set-up info: Compile a list of your competitors and their popular product names to use as keyword triggers

    See this separate guide on removing competitor spam

Order complaints

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user sends a private message with a complaint about their order

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram

  • Message Type: Private message

  • Condition: All or First message

  • Trigger: Keywords related to order complaints (e.g., "wrong item", "never arrived", "refund")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a private message acknowledging the complaint and assuring the user that your team is on it

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Order Complaint", assign to a customer service rep, send an email notification to the customer support team

  • Set-up info: Identify words used in private messages that indicate common order issues, then use those as keyword triggers.

    Alternatively, use a pre-made template.

Negative sentiment

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user leaves a negative comment on one of your posts

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Organic comments, Ad comments, Comments for specific posts

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords

  • Social Media Action: Reply in a comment

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Negative Feedback", Assign to a customer service rep, Mark sentiment as negative

  • Set-up info: Review past customer comments, see what types of complains crop up most often, use those as keywords.

Common query auto-responder

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A private message contains common queries or complaints such as "Didn't receive my discount code" or "This isn't working"

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram

  • Message Type: Private message

  • Condition: All or First message

  • Trigger: Custom keywords

  • Social Media Action: Reply in a private message

  • NapoleonCat Action: Assign to a customer service rep, flag the message

  • Set-up info: Review past customer queries and identify common questions or issues to use as keyword triggers.

Product usage support

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments or sends a private message asking for help with using a product

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Organic comments, Ad comments, or Private message

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords related to product usage (e.g., "how to", "help with", "tutorial")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in both a comment and a private message with a link to a product usage guide or tutorial

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Product Usage Support", assign to a customer service rep

  • Set-up info: Identify common questions or issues users have with using your products and use these as keyword triggers

Out-of-office auto-responder

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user sends a private message outside of business hours

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram

  • Message Type: Private message

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Off, not needed

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a private message letting the user know when they can expect a response

  • NapoleonCat Action: Assign to a customer service rep, flag the message

  • Scheduling: Set the rule to be active only outside your usual business hours

  • Set-up info: Remember about rule scheduling so it only works for out-of-office messages

VIP Customer Support

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A VIP customer sends a private message with a question or issue

  • Platform: Facebook or Instagram

  • Message Type: Private message

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Users tagged as "VIP"

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a private message thanking the user for their message and ensuring a prompt response, flag the message

  • NapoleonCat Action: Assign to a senior customer service rep

  • Set-up info: You need to use user-tagging to identify VIP customers beforehand, and target your rule at them

Negative review

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A review contains negative sentiment or a low rating

  • Platform: Facebook

  • Message Type: Review

  • Condition: Negative review

  • Trigger: Not needed

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a private message expressing your concern and offering assistance, auto-reply in a comment too

  • NapoleonCat Action: Assign to a customer service rep

  • Set-up info: If a review is negative, NapoleonCat will recognize it as such, no need for keyword triggers.

πŸ€‘ Sales-related rules

Sales-focused rules help you seize sales opportunities, maintain focus in your ad comment sections, and crystalize your offerings for your audience!

Ad sales: common questions from leads

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments "How much?" or "What's the delivery time?", or similar

  • Platform: Facebook (ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Ad comments or Organic comments

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a comment/private message with information on pricing and delivery

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Potential lead", send an email notification to your sales team

  • Set-up info: Identify common questions. Use these questions and words to set up keyword triggers.

Upsell or repeat sales opportunity

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user leaves a positive comment like "Love this product!" or "Just what I was looking for!

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Comments on specific posts, Ad comments

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a comment with a thank you message and consider offering a small reward for their next purchase (in a private message)

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag these comments as "repeat sales opportunity"

  • Set-up info: Review past positive comments and identify common phrases or words to use as keyword triggers.

Keeping Ad comments clean

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: Users are leaving spammy links, unfair accusations, or inappropriate content in the comment section of your ads

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Ad comments

  • Condition: Containing links or All

  • Trigger: Either none or Custom Keywords related to spam, unfair accusations, inappropriate language, for links you could use stuff like www.*, *.com*, https://*, etc.

  • Social Media Action: Delete the comment. This is an alternative to disabling ad comments directly on Facebook, which can appear suspicious to users

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Inappropriate Ad Comment"

  • Set-up info: Set up keywords for potential spam or inappropriate content. Regularly review and update these keywords.

Restock notification response

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments on a post or sends a private message, complaining about a product being unavailable

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Comments for a specific post, Private messages, Ad comments, or Organic comments

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords (e.g., "out of stock", "unavailable", "when will it be back")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a private message assuring the user you'll restock soon and let them know once the item is available

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Restock Notification Needed", send an email notification to the sales team

    πŸ’‘Afterwards, you can filter your messages in Social Inbox by tags and follow up with those customers

  • Set-up info: Use keyword triggers to identify messages where users express interest in an out-of-stock product.

Product recommendation

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments on an ad expressing interest in a product

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Ad comments

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords related to specific products or product categories

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply with a private message suggesting similar products they might like

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Product Interest", send an email notification to the sales team

  • Set-up info: Identify common keywords that indicate interest in specific products or product categories and use these as keyword triggers

Discount inquiries

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments on an ad asking if there are any current discounts

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Ad comments

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords (e.g., "discount", "sale")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply in a comment with information on current promotions

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Discount Inquiry"

  • Set-up info: Keep your list of keywords up-to-date with terms related to discounts and sales.

πŸ“£ Marketing-related rules

Marketing-driven rules let you smoothly run contests, leverage positive social proof and brand advocates, foster collaborations, and avoid PR disasters!

Frequent commenters

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user frequently leaves positive comments on your posts

  • Platform: Facebook, Instagram

  • Message Type: Comments on specific posts

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Users tagged in a specific way beforehand (e.g., frequent commenters)

  • Social Media Action: Reply in a comment thanking the user + reply in a private message offering a brand advocate discount code if you like

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag these comments as "positive feedback" + consider marking sentiment as positive

  • Set-up info: You need to use user tagging to identify frequent positive users, and target your rule

User-Generated Content

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user tags your brand in a post featuring your product

  • Platform: Facebook

  • Message Type: Profile mention

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: None (if replying to all mentions) or Custom keywords (e.g., product names)

  • Social Media Action: Reply as a comment thanking the user and asking for permission to share the post

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "User-Generated Content", Mark sentiment as positive

  • Set-up info: Use keyword triggers to target posts featuring your products.

Influencer collaboration

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: An influencer you tagged previously posts content related to your brand or industry

  • Platform: Facebook

  • Message Type: Profile mention

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Users tagged as "influencer"

  • Social Media Action: Reply as a comment thanking them for their testimonial and link to additional info on your product/campaign, etc.

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Influencer Collaboration", Mark sentiment as positive

  • Set-up info: You need to use user-tagging to identify influencers you work with, and target your rule at them

PR crisis mitigation

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A negative post about your brand is gaining traction

  • Platform: Facebook

  • Message Type: Post to page (Fan post) or mention

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords indicating a negative sentiment

  • Social Media Action: Reply with a comment addressing the concern and offering to resolve the issue offline

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "PR Crisis", send an email notification to the PR team, mark sentiment as negative

  • Set-up info: Set up keyword triggers indicating a negative sentiment.

Request for reviews or testimonials

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user leaves a positive comment on your post about their experience with your product or service

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Organic comments, ad comments, or comments on specific posts

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords indicating positive experience (e.g., "love it", "awesome", "great")

  • Social Media Action: Reply in a private message asking the user if they would like to share their experience as a testimonial, review, or case study - offer an incentive if needed

  • NapoleonCat Action: Mark sentiment as positive

  • Set-up info: Set up keyword triggers indicating a positive sentiment.

Product launch feedback

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments on a post related to a new product launch

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Comments on a specific post

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords related to the new product (e.g., product name, "great feature", "can't wait to use it")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply with a comment thanking the user for their feedback, or asking for more detailed opinions

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Product Launch Feedback", send an email notification to the marketing team, mark sentiment as positive

  • Set-up info: Identify potential words indicating interest or feedback related to the new product, and use them as keyword triggers

Contest submission

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments on your post with a contest entry

  • Platform: Facebook (incl. ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Comments for specific posts (contest posts)

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords related to the contest (e.g., contest hashtag)

  • Social Media Action: Reply in a comment confirming the entry, send their contest task in a private message

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Contest Entry", send an email notification to the marketing team

  • Set-up info: Specify the keywords users should include in their contest entry comments. Use these as keyword triggers in NapoleonCat

Seasonal campaign engagement

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user comments on a post related to a seasonal campaign

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads

  • Message Type: Comments on a specific post

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords related to the seasonal campaign (e.g., "Christmas", "Black Friday", "summer sale")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply with a comment providing additional campaign details, or expressing gratitude for the user's interest

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Seasonal Campaign Engagement", send an email notification to the marketing team

  • Set-up info: Before launching a seasonal campaign, identify commonly used phrases or asked questions to use as keyword triggers.

Event participation

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat


  • Use Case: A user or affiliated company comments on a post or event indicating their attendance or excitement

  • Platform: Facebook (including ads), Instagram, Instagram ads)

  • Message Type: Comments for specific post, Profile mentions (mentions for FB only)

  • Condition: All

  • Trigger: Custom keywords (e.g., "coming", "see you there", "can't wait")

  • Social Media Action: Auto-reply with a comment thanking the user for their participation, or providing more details about the event

  • NapoleonCat Action: Tag as "Event Participation"

  • Set-up info: Before the event, identify common phrases indicating attendance or interest to use as keyword triggers.

More rule templates and examples

Discover a special section of the Help Center. It's loaded with examples of Auto-moderation rules like hiding comments with links or auto-assigning important conversations!

Consider it your personal walkthrough from idea to setup:

Looking to hit the ground running faster? πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Use one of these three ready-to-use Auto-moderation rule templates:

  • Automatically hide offensive words on Facebook 🚫

  • Automatically hide offensive comments on Instagram πŸ™…

  • Order complaint Autoresponder on Messenger πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Here's how to use Auto-moderation rule templates:

  1. Breeze into Auto-moderation in NapoleonCat

  2. Spot the templates on the left:

    Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

  3. Click "Use this template" next to any one that piques your interest (you can use all of them if you want!) πŸ‘‡πŸ½

    Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

  4. Customize the rule:

    1. Pick the social media profiles your rule will work on

    2. Add or remove specific keywords

    3. Switch notifications and rule schedule on or off, and more πŸ‘‡πŸ½

      Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

      Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

      Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

  5. Once you've finished setting up your rule, click "Save&Run" in the top right corner to launch your rule right away!

Branched rules: examples

But hang on, there's still more to unpack. Managing a multi-language audience, a vast item stock, or various locations?

Discover Rule Templates and Useful Ideas for Auto-moderation rules in NapoleonCat

Instead of having more rules than a strict school teacher... tackle them all with one – using branched rules!

🌳 Branched rules are like a tree. They branch out into up to six different paths, each with a unique trigger and set of actions.

➑️ See more on branched rules and their examples right here.

And that's a wrap. Which of these rule examples sparked ideas for your unique business needs?

Your mind must be buzzing with ideas now! Time to turn those thoughts into action:

πŸ‘‹πŸ½ We're always here to help with a purrfect solution! Just click on chat in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

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