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Filter Tickets by Status, Users, Profile, and More
Filter Tickets by Status, Users, Profile, and More

Navigate ticket filters in Social Inbox: Filter by Status, Time, User Properties, Sentiment, Assigned Moderator

Napoleon The Cat avatar
Written by Napoleon The Cat
Updated over a week ago

πŸ‘‹Hey there!

Ready to streamline your customer care tasks? Let's dive into Social Inbox Views in NapoleonCat.

With six handy tabs - New, My Tasks, Hidden, Archived, Deleted, and Flagged β€” as well as time and other filtering options – you're all set to manage your customer interactions like a pro!

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Filter tickets

☝️ To customize ticket views in NapoleonCat, hop on over to Social Inbox.

πŸ’‘All ticket filters in NapoleonCat are complementary.

🧩 Just like the pieces of a puzzle fitting together, NapoleonCat's ticket filters work hand in hand. So, if you need to filter by time, tab, and user tag all at once, they'll team up to fetch the tickets that check all those boxes!

Filter by status

πŸ†• New

This is your social media bakery, where all the fresh content and tickets (like comments, mentions, messages, etc.) are served hot and ready for your attention!

If you haven't fully moderated a ticket (it's not archived, deleted, or hidden), you'll find it here, waiting for your expert touch:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Heads-up:

The moment you take action on a ticket, like say, archiving it, it'll scoot right out of the 'New' view and settle into its new home in the corresponding tab.

So, for instance, an archived ticket will move to the 'Archived' tab, and a ticket you assign to yourself will pop over to 'My Tasks'.

We'll dive into the details of each tab below. Ready? Let's go!

🎯 My Tasks

This is your personal to-do list! Any tickets assigned to you will show up here, ready for your attention. It's like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you need to do.

Remember that time when a customer asked about their order status? You replied, they were happy, and you got a virtual high-five. That's the kind of stuff you'll handle here.

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

πŸ₯” Think of this like a game of hot potato. As long as a ticket is in your hands (your task list), it's waiting for your action.

But the moment you toss it - by hiding, archiving, deleting, or flagging it - it flies right into designated tab. πŸ‘‡

πŸ™ˆ Hidden

Think of the Hidden tab as your magic vanishing box.

Here lie all the tickets you've chosen to hide, either manually or through Auto-Moderation.

Remember, hiding a ticket also hides the content on the social media platform itself.

Need to bring a hidden ticket back into the light? Just hit "Unhide", and it'll pop back into the "New" tab and reappear on your profile.πŸ‘‡

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

πŸ“¦ Archived

Done with a conversation? Time to archive that ticket! It's like filing away completed paperwork - out of sight, but always there if you need it.

Remember, a clean workspace leads to a clean mind, and that's what we're aiming for here!

Also, you can unarchive a ticket at any point.

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

πŸ—‘οΈ Deleted

This is where you can review deleted content.

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

☝️ Deleting a ticket removes it from the moderated platform, and this action can't be undone.

But don't worry, NapoleonCat will always ask for your confirmation before deleting a ticket.

🚩 Flagged

Got a ticket that needs extra attention? Flag it! It's like sticking a big, bright post-it note on something important, for example a ticket awaiting your colleague's input.

And don't worry, a ticket can wear two hatsβ€”it can be flagged and archived at the same time.

If a flagged topic loses its importance, just click the flag icon again to remove it from the "Flagged" tab:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

It won't vanishβ€”it'll just move over to the previous tab, like "Archived" or "New".

Filter by time

βŒ› But that's not all! There's also the time filtering trick up your sleeve.

Had an exciting product launch in May and want to rewind to all those intriguing conversations? It's a cakewalk!

Give the time filter in the upper right a whirl and, just like that, all those comments and posts are at your fingertips:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Filter by profile and type of message

Juggling a bunch of social media profiles and a mishmash of interactions – posts, mentions, DMs, ad comments – got you spinning?

Your Social Inbox is like a bustling social media party, with guests chattering away from Facebook, Instagram, Google my Business, LinkedIn, to TikTok. All the buzz happens here!

Want to tune into specific convos or pay attention to certain social media pages? You can! Just flip the switches for the profiles and chat types you're keen on:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Filter by user and message properties

So, fancy sifting through messages specifically from the superstar brand advocates or keen folks inquiring about the new product launch? Absolutely possible!

These handy filters let you sort tickets by:

  • User status (whether they're blocked or not)

  • User tags

  • Inbox (message) tags

  • Profile-specific tags

  • And even comments on a specific post!

Simply hit that "More filters" button up top and get filtering:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

You can pick out one or even combine several filters to suit your needs:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

πŸ”— Not seeing any tags? 🏷️ You need to create them first. Learn how to create user, message, and profile-specific tags.

Filter by sentiment

Now, wouldn't it be great to sort interactions based on the vibes they're giving off?

Well, each new message in your Inbox can be tagged as positive, negative, or neutral (hoping your Inbox is brimming with positivity β˜€οΈ):

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Looking to spotlight only the feel-good interactions for, say, a review request? You got it!

Simply click on "Content sentiment" in the filter list at the top and choose the mood that you're aiming for - positive, negative, neutral, or not marked yet. You can pick just one or mix and match as needed:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Filter by moderator

Have you ever wondered who's working on what in the Social Inbox? You can assign each ticket (comment, message, etc.) in Social Inbox to a specific moderator, be it you or a teammate:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Fancy a sneak peek at Mark's problem-solving skills in customer interactions? Piece of cake! Choose "Assigned moderators" from the filter list:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Then, click on "add moderators", and select the folks you're eager to check out. Could be just one, could be a few - it's all up to you!

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

Inbox Search

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Tired of wading through a sea of tickets to spot the one you need? Say no more!

You can effortlessly dig up any chat or follower interaction using the Search engine in the top right-hand corner of the Social Inbox:

Filter Tickets in NapoleonCat Social Inbox: filtering options

πŸ”— Need more info on ticket search in Social Inbox?

And... that's a wrap.

Remember, good housekeeping isn't just about reaching Inbox zero. It's all about creating a clear, organized system that reduces stress for your team and improves customer experience.

So, put on your superhero cape, and let's make some customers happy! πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ

πŸ—¨οΈ Need a hand? Our pawsome Customer Success team is always here to help! Talk with us on chat in the bottom, right-hand corner of your screen.

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