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Translate Customer Messages and Your Replies
Translate Customer Messages and Your Replies

Step-by-step guide to translating incoming messages and replies in Social Inbox

Iwona avatar
Written by Iwona
Updated over a year ago

Ever found yourself wishing you could understand and reply to all those messages in different languages?

🌍 With NapoleonCat, you can translate all incoming messages and replies in over 100 languages, thanks to the power of Google Translate.

🗣️ Say adieu to language barriers and hello to replying in the language of the person you’re chatting with!

How translations work

🔵 Translations work with all kinds of incoming communications from all platforms available in Social Inbox:

Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Instagram Ads, TikTok, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google My Business.

🎉 And the best part? Translations are available for Pro and Enterprise plan users without any additional fees.

Just imagine: You're able to understand every customer, no matter what language they speak.

You're providing stellar customer service to all your customers, regardless of where they're from.

And you're doing it all from the comfort of your NapoleonCat Social Inbox. Sounds good? Let's jump right in!

Translate messages

Here's how you can translate incoming communications and reply in the language of the person you’re responding to in Social Inbox. 👇

  1. Hop on over to Social Inbox in NapoleonCat

  2. Spot the “Translate” button at the bottom of each incoming message and click on it:

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

  3. NapoleonCat will usually guess the original language, but you can also manually select the language if needed:

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

  4. Choose the language you want to translate to. Click on the box to unfold the list and pick a language:

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

    ☝️Once you set your preferred language, NapoleonCat will remember it for future translations (but you can change it anytime you want).

  5. Click on the “Translate” button to see the translated message, and voila!

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

View translations

🪄 The translation will magically appear right below the original text:

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

Multiple translations

💬 Here's the kicker: you can include multiple translations for a single message!

To add a translation in another language, simply choose a new one from the list and click "Translate":

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

The new translation will appear below the original text:

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

☝️Pop into the main ticket view in Social Inbox, and you can spot only the latest translation.

But, click on the message and you'll see all translations lined up in the detailed ticket view!

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

Translate your replies

Now that you know how to translate customer messages, let's dive into the simple steps to translate your replies:

  1. In Social Inbox, click on the message to open a new window:

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

  2. To translate your reply, first type the reply in your own language (1).

    Then, pick your original and target language (2).

    🌐 Here's the cool part: If you've already translated the incoming message, NapoleonCat will remember your language preferences.

    But if you need to switch things up, you can easily select the right languages from the list. It's all about giving you control! 👇

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

  3. Ready to see your translated reply? Just hit "Translate" (3) 👆 and voila...

  4. ...there's your translated reply! Feel free to tweak the translated text to add your personal touch.

  5. When your reply is ready to go, just hit the yellow “Comment” button to send it, or the white “Comment and archive” button to send it and archive the conversation.

    Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

    For private messages, you’ll see different buttons: “Send reply” and “Send reply and archive".

User mentions in translations

Want to give a shout-out to the author of the message in your reply? You got it!

Just type “@” in the "Comment content" field when replying.

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

And start typing their name. You’ll see a list of suggested users - pick the person you want to mention from the list:

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

After translating your reply, the mention will appear as a number. But don't worry, you'll reply with the author’s name on the social platform itself!

Translate all incoming messages and replies in NapoleonCat social inbox into more than 100 languages

With NapoleonCat's translation feature, you'll be swapping "Adieu!" for "Fur-well!" in no time.

So, leap forward and reply to your customers in a myriad of languages, or as we say, in meow-tiple tongues! 😊

🗨️ Need a hand? Our Customer Success team is always here to help! Talk with us on chat in the bottom, right-hand corner of your screen.

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